European Schoolnet newsletter, Issue 73 – November 2012



Issue 73 – November 2012

EMINENT European Schoolnet annual conference looked at the future of education

Spanish region joins iTEC as Associate Partner

Samsung and European Schoolnet to pursue innovative research in education  

Teacher Network – Today's and tomorrow's challenges and opportunities for the teaching profession 

Living Schools Lab to scale up best practice and to support action-based research

U4energy: Most sustainable schools awarded in Brussels

Leading Schools in the 21st Century – A follow up to the Berlin Conference


EMINENT European Schoolnet annual conference looked at the future of education

When it comes to education, we simply can’t afford NOT to embrace the opportunities afforded by developments in technology” affirmed Lord Puttnam, Chancellor of the Open University and film producer, at this year’s EMINENT conference, in Genoa on 14-15 November. The conference particularly referenced on emerging results from the flagship iTEC project that is developing future classroom scenarios and recent research findings and data on the use of ICT in schools and teacher and student digital competence and attitudes towards ICT. Access presentations, pictures and more on the website.


Spanish region joins iTEC as Associate Partner

For over ten years, the Extremadura region in south-west Spain has consistently promoted the use of ICT in teaching and learning. By joining iTEC as an Associate Partner, the region’s teachers will benefit further through the principle of innovation being introduced to their classroom practice. Thirty-eight Extremaduran schools will take part in the iTEC activities.


Teacher Network – Today's and tomorrow's challenges and opportunities for the teaching profession 

Teachers can be the main change agents for reforms of education, provided that they are well supported and enabled to do so, according to the new Tellnet publication. The book deals with the evolving role of the teaching profession and the role of teacher networks in response to changing skills needs in society. Download the report here.


Samsung and European Schoolnet to pursue innovative research in education

European Schoolnet has announced that it will be working in partnership with Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, to integrate the Samsung Smart School Solution with the Electronic Board in European Schoolnet’s Future Classroom Lab in Brussels.


Living Schools Lab to scale up best practice and to support action-based research 

Starting in October 2012, Living Schools Lab is a two-year project funded by the European Commission and coordinated by European Schoolnet. It includes 12 Ministries of Education and aims to create a network of “living schools” demonstrating and showcasing a diverse range of innovative pedagogical practice involving ICT.


U4energy: Most sustainable schools awarded in Brussels
The U4energy European Award Ceremony took place on 26 November 2012 at the Belgian Comic Museum. The event, organised under the patronage of the European Commissioner for Energy, Mr Günther Oettinger, showcased the best energy efficiency projects submitted by schools across Europe. Congratulations to the European winners and finalists!


Leading Schools in the 21st Century – A follow up to the Berlin Conference

Approximately one year ago, the eTwinning conference entitled Leading Schools in the 21st Century was held in Berlin, targeting mainly school principals. According to a survey launched six months later, School Leaders have been proactively promoting eTwinning in their schools. Read more online on the initiatives undertaken as follow up of the conference.



14 – 15 November: EMINENT Schools in Europe in 2025, Genoa, Italy

14 – 15 November: Media and Learning Conference, Brussels, Belgium

19 – 20 November: Go-Lab kick-off meeting, Enschede, The Netherlands

23 November: inGenious at the “Science it’s a girl thing” event, Milan, Italy

26 November: U4energy European Award Ceremony, Brussels, Belgium

30 November: inGenious at the Science it’s a girl thing” event, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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