Safer Internet Day 2013 is almost upon us. Taking place on Tuesday 5 February 2013 with the theme of online rights and responsibilities, we will be encouraging all users to ‘Connect with respect’. A series of events and activities will be taking place in more than 100 countries across the globe to mark the day and raise awareness of the issues. |
European Schoolnet, in conjunction with Liberty Global, has produced a short animation aimed at parents. Titled ‘The Digital Universe of Your Children’, the resource specifically focuses on the topic of online communication. The animation offers online safety tips for parents, and links to a series of downloadable factsheets on topics such as social networks, online gaming and online reputation. The movie will soon be available in Spanish, Hungarian, Czech, German and Dutch (subtitled) also. |
After two exciting years, the U4energy competition has now come to an end. A big thank you to all participating schools and their teachers and students for making it a great success! Be inspired by U4energy’s Best Practices and help spread them across Europe so other schools follow the lead; discover these proven success stories in an interactive e-Book available in 25 languages. Additional resources are also available on the U4energy website. |
eTwinning Learning Events are short intensive online events on a number of themes. They are led by an expert and include active work and discussion among teachers across Europe. Five new Learning Events are scheduled between the end of January and April: have a look on the website for the full list of events and register now! |
The Tellnet project has helped create a new type of professional development material for eTwinning teachers. The material comes with easy to use instructions and it can be used by any teachers, for example with colleagues in the same school or with teachers in another school. The material consists of five scenarios introducing different possible futures of teachers’ profession in compulsory education in 2025. |
Watch how primary school pupils in Florence, Italy, used digital tools to organise a virtual school trip to London and learn about other cultures as part of iTEC learning activities. According to the teacher: “There was a change in the students’ working methods: they worked in groups and discussed in a new way, and the students started to collaborate with new classmates”. Go to the Learning Activity page. |